Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i feel fine.

so. hannaH and i have been growing out armpit hairs out since october 1st. and yesterday, we got them waxed.

hannah's were pretty "wild."

but she didn't even shed a tear.

mine were pretty gross too. and came off in one clean swipe.

i know i'm smiling, but it hurt real bad.

do i recommend armpit waxing, you ask? absolutely. four week of no shaving. holla!


tifsong said...

SOOO GROSSSSSS linds. hahahahaha.

the militonis said...

linds that is gross....still love you but gross

Liz said...

On the one hand I'm totally not surprised, and I find it even natural that you would do this and then post pictures of it. On the other hand....did it really make the world a better place by doing so?
If those pictures make it into my dreams tonight i'm going to be so angry.

The Davis Duo said...

I desire to vomit.

Krista Smith said...

haha. you guys always do the silliest things. ouch!

Jessica Rae said...

totally unnecessary. in person they are worse

P.S. the word verfication word they are making me type in is booticer? Who thinks of these words? I want their job