Sunday, October 17, 2010

til there was you.

let me tell you a story.

a love story.
about a girl named lindsey.
and a guy named mason.
who recently became one.

this is them.
in celebration of their new marriage.

and here they are with all the ones they hold most dear.

here they are with the ones that brought them up.

and here, with the friends that mean the most (including the one taking the photos).

thanks to everyone who was there to celebrate with us on the best day imaginable.
i'll post open house pictures soon.
until then...

here they are again. husband and wife.

now and forever.

to m.
you are the sun.
and there was no world.
til there was you.



the militonis said...

you are such a sweet couple linds your love just oozes and its so cute!

tifsong said...

oh this is just beautiful. thank you for it.
thank you for you.
and your love.
and how truly perfect it is.


Jessica Rae Schaack said...

oh this made me teary eyed... why you ask? BECAUSE I LOVE YOU TWO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. i love you. love you love. ... okay do you get the picture?