Monday, April 14, 2008

good day sunshine.

it's eighty degrees and sunny and no need for a jacket. and of course, today is one of those days when i am stuck inside all day and have no chance of being able to enjoy it. good thing eighty degrees and sunny lasts a whole season long.
the sun brings a new day, a new world, a new life. everyday is a new day to live. live as big as you want, or as big as you can without taking up too much space.
take a minute to enjoy the flowers that are beginning to bloom. take a minute to sit upon the fresh green grass. take a minute to bask in the sunlight and feel the cool breeze blow through your hair. take a minute to give thanks, to the world, for giving you this new day to live.


Jason Leon? said...

THis weather is super duper.
Good Call

tifsong said...

you changed your picture.
its beautiful. this is beautiful. ah the word that defines you my friend.